Professional Work Experience
During my time at university, I have gained vital and rewarding work experience within the planning industry. Below are some examples of the work that I have been involved in. A copy of my CV is available here.
Read more about my reflections on the industry.
Council of the City of Gold Coast
February 2015 - April 2015
The City of Gold Coast is the second largest local government in Australia based on population. With a wide variety of land uses and communities and covering an area of 1,358 square kilometres, the Council faces a number of challenges to meet the expectations and demands of the community.
At the Council of the City of Gold Coast, I worked within the MCU Team of the Development Assessment and Compliance Division. I was responsbile for reviewing and assessing development applications (MCUs, ROLs and GIAs), attending and presenting at team meetings, and researching past approvals for development compliance issues.
During my time at Council, I was introduced to planning at the Local Government level. This assisted in expanding my knowledge of how the public sector operates and the various processes involved in various levels of government. I also learnt the value of networking, gaining experience in a number of teams which provided me with extensive knowledge and information.
Department of State Development
April 2015 - present
The purpose of the Department of State Development is to 'be an enabling central agency driving Queensland's economic prosperity and championing the interests of business and industry'. The Department consists of the Office of the Coordinator-General, the Major Projects office, Regional Services, and State Development.
I work within the Office of the Coordinator-General, in the North Team of the State Development Areas Division. The State Development Areas Division assesses applications within the State Development Areas that have been declared by the Coordinator-General. I am responsible for reviewing and assessing a variety of MCU applications, providing briefs and communication for the Coordinator-General, preparing audit reports for past MCU approvals and investigating strategic planning issues.
During my time in the Department, my knowledge on the processes within the public sector have been expanded. I have been exposed to a wide variety of challenges, particularly in reviewing technical aspects of applications and communicating with proponents. I am also required to attend weekly meetings with updates for supervisors on my workload and to ensure I am on track with my responsibilities.