Professional Philosophy
Professionalism & success require a strong foundation...
I believe that professional planners need to not only be educated at tertiary level, but have that education continue throughout their career. I will achieve this by:
participating in networking events to further my knowledge base
keeping up-to-date with, not only planning issues, but issues in other fields that can create impacts
Understand your influence within the profession & the community...
Professional planners need to understand the influence and position they have with their profession and the community to remain ethical and grounded. The decisions made by planners can impact the profession and community in both positive and negative ways, so planners need to ensure their decisions are ethical, well-informed and critically analysed. I will achieve this by:
continuing research into best practice and case studies for decisions
ensuring the community is consulted and involved in decisions that could have an impact on their quality of life
Be a 'yes' person...
My career goals involve gaining experience in a number of fields within the planning profession to further my knowledge and networking base. I believe that one of the key ways to succeed and be the best in your field is to have an understanding of all facets of the profession, from small scale approvals to developing major projects of State significance. I will achieve this by:
saying yes to opportunities that are presented to me
expanding my network to allow for more opportunities
Don't forget...
'Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.'
- Albert Schweitzer
Read more about my professional interests