Key Projects
During my time at university I have completed a number of assessment items that have helped to develop the skills I need to become a professional planner. Below are a number of key projects that I have worked on. If you would like any more information, please feel free to contact me.
Coomera Town Centre EIS
An EIS produced for the proposed Coomera Town Centre, focusing on the impacts to 6 key areas: water quality, land, noise, waste management, socioeconomic factors, and biodiversity. Mitigation and management measures for impacts within each key area were suggested based on research and case studies, with these measures evaluated to determine their effectiveness. Overall, the EIS determined that the proposed Coomera Town Centre should be approved with conditions involving the reduction of the high density residential development footprint. As one of two Project Managers, I was required to coordinate the multi-disciplinary team members and ensure a coherent EIS report was produced.
SEQ Bioregional Climate Change Adaptation Plan 2014-2034
The SEQ Bioregional Climate Change Adaptation Plan 2014-2034 was produced to investigate and provide adaptive strategies for the impacts of climate change and rapid population growth within the SEQ region. Goals, objectives and strategies were developed for six key issue areas: agriculture, tourism, natural environment, water supply, energy and transport. A timeline of strategy implementation was developed and the strategies were evaluated to determine their effectiveness. The report also proposed a change to the current governance framework to replace Local Government with Bioregional Government based primarily on eco-regions. The adaptation plan also include a second volume with supporting documents, including research of case studies and best practices.
The Chinese Experience: Issues Faced and Recommendations for Australian Planning
After undertaking a two week study tour of Hong Kong, a research report was prepared to investigate the planning issues faced in China, strategies that have been implemented, and recommendations for Australian planning. The report focused on six areas of planning: density and housing; tourism, heritage and culture; recreation, green space and open space; creative and innovative spaces and activities; and transport. Each section examined the issues faced in China and strategies to manage thse issues, a comparison to issues in Australia with a focus on the Gold Coast, and recommendations for planners in Australia to manage these issues.
Commonwealth Games Village 2018 - proposal
A proposal for the Commonwealth Games Village 2018 at the Parklands Showgrounds was created, with a number of key goals and objectives required to be met for the developer. The proposal included the creation of a tender submission to outline the development proposal, a scoping and feasibility study to determine the site constraints and opportunities and provide research into best practice methods and a development application to assess the proposal against the relevant planning legislation.